Thursday, July 30, 2009

Birth Announcement!!!

with guest photographer: Phillip Thomas

yes, another one... the funny thing about having a big family is that when the next generation starts to arrive, it seems to be one of those exponentially growing things. So I have a new nephew! My brother, Phil, & his wife, Michelle, have definitely been working toward this for a long time so congrats to them both!

Caleb Riley Thomas
born: July 26th, 4:41 pm
Weight: 7 lbs 4.4 oz.
Length: 20 inches

Sadly, I haven't been able to meet him in person yet since they live in another state though it will happen soon. But here's just a few of the hundreds of pictures my besotted brother has taken.

Can't wait to come for a visit Little Monkey!

1 comment:

Carissa Blanchard said...

He's precious! Tell Phillip Congratulations from the Blanchard's!