Saturday, February 02, 2008

Some New OLD Stuff

So I finally decided to start making use of my scanner to get some of my pictures online from back in the day before a digital camera. Yeah, I have a LOT of old pictures and stuff that I would love to share with people but it will take years to get it all scanned in. But I started with one very long evening scanning in a variety of things and some of my favorites from various outtings (about 50 pictures). I'll try to break them up a little bit into something that makes a little sense... at least to me.

My first group are special to me for a couple reasons but for anyone who has been in my house, they will familiar. Many years ago, I pulled together some of my favorite pictures from over the years and gave them to my brother. Paul was working in the developing world at the time and did his magic to blow them up, crop, edit and mount them for me so that I could frame and hang them in my livingroom.

The first two pictures are from the back yard of a cabin in Montana where a group of us stayed during a ski trip.



Then I have a pic that I took from my grandmother's back yard in Cowell, Arkansas.


Right in the center over my TV is the first landscape picture I ever took. I was 13 years old and on a camping trip with my family in UP Michigan on the shore of Lake Superior playing with my dad's 35 mm for the first time. I didn't have the horizon quite straight and was just discovering what low light does to a shutter but I got a great useable picture anyway. The photog bug had officially bitten. With a bit of cropping and straightening, my bro turned it into a magnificent pic to hang...


the last two were taken from opposite sides of a lake at the 4H Camp I stayed at while working in Atlanta, Georgia for the '96 Summer Olympics.



I will post a few more old things when the muse strikes me.

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